Digital diagnostic scanners are one of the best advances in technology. Not only are they fast and painless, but they allow our experts at Riverside Dental to get a complete picture of your dental health.

An iTero® 3D scan will take a digital 360-degree image of your mouth. While traditional X-rays are still beneficial for diagnosis and treatment, digital 3D scans allow dentist to view your whole mouth as if she had a model of it — meaning she can look at your bones and tissues from different angles. This makes it easier to find any areas of concern that need to be handled with your treatment plan.

Many patients prefer 3D scans because they are so much faster than X-rays. Plus, the scan is incredibly accurate, which means you can be confident that the treatment Dr. Shutong Hartsell creates will completely address your dental health needs.

This remarkable scanner can capture up to 20 images per second in full color, making it possible for us to distinguish between healthy and diseased tissues effortlessly. It also enables us to build highly accurate digital models of your mouth, which is especially useful for creating custom appliances and restorations that fit perfectly and function seamlessly.

When you visit our office, the iTero scanning process is quick and comfortable. Dr. Hartsell uses a small wand to scan the inside of your mouth, and the images are processed in real-time, providing an immediate, complete and highly accurate picture of your oral health. Plus, these images are automatically saved, eliminating the need for additional scans.

Call us at 703-263-8009 today to schedule your appointment and learn more about our iTero 3D scanner in Arlington, Virginia!

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