A bone graft is a procedure that replaces missing bone mass in your jaw with extra bone-like material. You may need a bone graft if you:

  • Have been missing one or more adult teeth for a while
  • Have untreated gum disease
  • Need a dental implant

Dr. Shutong Hartsell is well-known as a gentle and considerate dentist. With her expert care, your bone graft surgery will be over before you know it. And our attentive staff will look after you before, during and after your surgery.

During a bone graft, our dentist will transplant a new piece of bone into your jawbone. Your original bone will then grow together with the grafted bone tissue to create a stronger, more stable foundation, allowing you to receive dental implants and other treatments without any issues and enjoy a healthier smile in the future.

Why Receive A Bone Graft?

After you lose a tooth, your supporting bone begins to resorb, or deteriorate, at the site of that missing tooth. Eventually, this can cause your other teeth to become unstable and may result in the loss of even more teeth. Bone grafting corrects this resorption, preventing additional tooth loss and ensuring that you can maintain better oral health and function as well as your appearance.

Call Riverside Dental at 703-263-8009 to learn more about bone grafting in Arlington, Virginia, and schedule your appointment today!

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We invite you to call Riverside Dental today to schedule your consultation with our dentist and learn more about complete dental care in Arlington, Virginia!

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