If you have old silver amalgam fillings, our skilled dentist at Riverside Dental can give you an upgrade! Our tooth-colored fillings are made of a strong, durable material that matches your natural tooth color, which means that no one will notice you’ve had cavities filled. All you have to do is schedule an appointment at our office to trade in your old silver fillings for our new, discreet tooth-colored fillings.

Dental fillings repair minor to moderate tooth damage, such as that caused by cavities or by minor fracturing or chipping. A filling works to “fill in” the damaged areas of the tooth, restoring its original structure and function. With a tooth-colored filling, a special composite material is used to give you a natural-looking final result, which restores your beautiful smile as well.

Fillings can be placed in a single appointment – Dr. Shutong Hartsell will provide a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort before thoroughly cleaning the tooth to remove the decayed and damaged portions. The filling material is then placed and shaped before being hardened to complete your treatment.

Benefits of choosing a tooth-colored filling at our office include:

  • A beautiful and naturally aesthetic final result
  • A material that bonds to your tooth, providing more support for its structure
  • Reduced risk of future fracturing in the treated tooth
  • Insulation from temperature changes from foods and beverages
  • Increased resistance of the treated tooth to decay and leaks
  • The ability to correct cavities too small for silver amalgam fillings
  • A safer and healthier filling, as no mercury or other metals are used

There’s no time like the present to give yourself the confidence boost of a great smile. Call Riverside Dental at 703-263-8009 to schedule your appointment today and learn more about tooth-colored dental fillings in Arlington, Virginia!

Visit Riverside Dental

We invite you to call Riverside Dental today to schedule your consultation with our dentist and learn more about complete dental care in Arlington, Virginia!

Monday-Tuesday 8AM-5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday-Friday 8AM-5PM
Weekends Closed